Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for My Mind Matters Therapy Pty Ltd

1. Your privacy is respected

In this document we set out the privacy policy of My Mind Matters Therapy Pty Ltd ABN 96670 910 237 (referred to in this document as 'we', 'us', or 'our').

This Privacy Policy explains our practices, including your choices, regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of certain information, including your personal information in connection with My Mind Matters Therapy.

We take our privacy obligations seriously and we have created this privacy policy to explain how we store, maintain, use and disclose of personal information.

By providing personal information to us, you consent to our storage, maintenance, use and disclosing of personal information in accordance with this privacy policy.

This privacy policy may change from time to time by posting an updated copy on our website.We encourage you to regularly check our website to guarantee that you are aware of our most current privacy policy.

2.  The types of personal information that we collect

a.    Information you provide to us. Personal information we collect that you provide to us which includes

1.     your name, email address, payment method(s), telephone number, gender, date of birth, age, Business details. We collect information in a number of ways, including when you enter it while using our service, interact with our customer service, or participate in surveys or marketing promotions, Social media.

b.    Information we collect automatically.  We collect information about you and your use of our service, your interactions with us

1.     Device identity and type, software characteristics (such as type and configuration), connection information including type, (wifi, cellular) I.P. address, (which can be used to tell us your general location, such as your city, state/province, and postal code), page view statistics, referring source (for example, referral URLs), advertising data, geo-location information, standard web log information or other unique identifiers

c.      Any other information provided by you to us via our website or our online presence, or otherwise required by us or provided by you.

3.  The way we collect personal information

We may collect personal information either directly from you, or from third parties, including where you

a.     contact us through our website

b.     use our software,

c.     application

d.     submit any of our online sign up forms

e.     communicate with us via email, telephone, SMS, social applications (such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook orTwitter) or otherwise

f.       interact with our website, social applications, services, content and advertising, and

g.     enquire as to a potential purchase in our business

We may also collect personal information from you when you use or access our website or our social media pages, via resettable device identifiers (also known as advertising identifiers), such as those on mobile devices, tablets. This may be done through use of web analytics tools, 'cookies' or other similar tracking technologies that allow us to track and analyse your website usage.

h.     What are Cookies? Cookies are small, encrypted text files that a web server can save on a computer’s hard drive to store information about the web the user It can only be read by the website that sends it to the team.

Usually, websites use cookies to obtain statistical information about their web pages, and analyse the behaviour of their customers.

Cookies enable and allows the creator of the cookie to identify when you visit different websites. If you do not wish information to be stored as a cookie, you can disable cookies in your web browser.

i.       GoogleAnalytics. GoogleAnalytics may be used to collect and process data, this includes when you use third party websites or apps. If you wish to find out more on Google Analytics click - How Google uses data when you use our partners’ sites or apps.

4.  The use of your personal information

We collect and use personal information for the following purposes

a.     to provide services or information to you

b.     for record keeping and administrative purposes

c.     to provide information about you to our employees, contractors, consultants, and/or other third parties for the purpose of providing goods or services to you

d.     to improve and optimise our service and customer experience, including improving the application of My MindMatters Therapy

e.     updates to the application

f.      to comply with our legal and accounting obligations, resolve disputes or enforce our agreements with third parties

g.     to send you marketing and promotional messages and other information that may be of interest to you and for the purpose of direct marketing (in accordance with the Spam Act). To provide this, we may use email, social media or mail to send you direct marketing communications. You can opt out of receiving marketing materials through unsubscribe or opt-out facility if provided, or email us.

h.     to send you administrative information, reminders, updates, security alerts, and other information required

We may be required to disclose your personal information to cloud-providers, contractors and other third parties located in Australia or overseas. If we are required todo so, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that any recipient deals with such personal information in a manner consistent with how we deal with it.

5.  The users data

We collect personal information from a number of sources, as set out in clause 3 above, and in doing so we may collect the personal information of users who are under the age of 18, who use our My Mind Matters Therapy application. Notwithstanding any other clause of this policy, we will not

a) disclose the personal information of any Minor User to any third party for a commercial purpose, except by providing such information to our contractors or employees for the purpose of providing the My Mind Matters Therapy application, or improving or developing My Mind Matters Therapy application, or

b) use the personal information of any User for any purpose other than to improve and develop the My Mind Matters Therapy application for the use of its users.

6.  Links

Our website will have links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy policies and practices of any linked websites and we recommend that you review the privacy policies of these websites.

7.  Security

We take all the reasonable steps necessary to ensure that all your personal information is secure and protected from misuse or unauthorised access. Our information technology systems are password protected, and we use extensive technical measures to protect these systems. However, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information.

Where My Mind Matters Therapy has given you, or where you have chosen, a password which enables you to access parts of the websites, or application you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. My Mind Matters Therapy suggests that you do not share this password with anyone and change it regularly.

8.  Requesting access or updating personal information

If you would like request access to your personal information we hold, please contact us using the email on the website providing your name and contact details. It maybe necessary to verify your identity before releasing to you any personal information. It may be the case that we may be unable to provide you with access to all your personal information and if this is the case, we will provide reasons why. All requests for access to personal information will be dealt within a reasonable timeframe.

If you think that any personal information, we hold about you is inaccurate, or you would like your personal information removed from our databases, please contact us by email and we will take reasonable steps to ensure that it is corrected.

9.  Complaints

If you would like to make a complain about how we handle your personal information we hold, please contact us by email providing your name and contact details. We will investigate your complaint promptly and respond by email.

Contacting us

Email: [email protected]

Our privacy policy was last updated on 8 March 2024

Head Office Address:

Contact Us

For any questions or inquiries feel free to send us an email

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© 2024 - My Mind Matters